The Performing Arts department is rehearsing its fall play, “Mr. Burns, A Post Electric Play,” for its premiere in November. The play follows a group of actors who try to distract themselves from...
For over 30 years, Pinewood School has held the annual Jamboree for students, families, faculty, and staff of the Pinewood community. The event will be held on Oct. 15 from noon to 4 p.m.
Kyle Riches,...
With the NBA season two weeks away, excitement is in the air. Many teams have reloaded and gained new stars, while others have drafted rookies with limitless potential. Controversy and trades have highlighted...
Excitement is building as the Pinewood Performing Arts department (PPA) is gearing up to put on its fall productions. Contrary to the typical schedule of the PPA, Pinewood is putting on two separate plays...