In a small town in the middle of the Netherlands, a young girl’s fascination with coding jumpstarted a journey in computer science which would follow her throughout her life. From Utrecht, Netherlands...
Senior Colin Ternus will be graduating this year, marking an end to his memorable high school journey. Joining Pinewood freshman year, Ternus explored many interests including photography, robotics,...
Imagine a future where robots are a common sight, efficiently delivering food, packages, and messages. This future is not far away, and it's the main objective of Botball, a nationwide competition that...
California prides itself on being home to the heart of innovation and technology: Silicon Valley. Growing up in this STEM-centric environment inspired many Pinewood seniors to pursue majors and explore...
Imagine being able to tune into class whenever you want with just a swipe of your fingers. With Apple’s new Vision Pro, you can have the ability to transition from your bedroom to a completely...
Plastic products are manufactured in very large quantities, with a staggering 450 million tons produced each year. These products are readily available and single-use plastic in particular has become...
For the longest time, the idea of avant-garde technology like 3D printers was unheard of. Throughout the years, 3D printers have continued to make an impact on the world and have also grown to become...
Throughout 2024, the night sky will be a celestial canvas painted with several cosmic wonders. From meteor showers to eclipses, space has many compositions waiting to be displayed in the sky.
Ryan Chou, Science & Tech Writer
• February 4, 2024
The choice between a Mac (Macintosh) computer and Windows PC (personal computer) has been a running debate for many years. Many people are convinced that their preferred type of computer is superior....
Lara Parikh, Science & Tech Writer
• February 4, 2024
With every day comes new challenges. New adversities. These adversities may be something physical, but they can also be something more internal. They can be an overwhelming tsunami of stress, anxiety...
Harry Yang, Science & Tech Writer
• February 4, 2024
The Riddell Speedflex helmet is being retired after many years with the Pinewood football program, and a new and more advanced helmet is taking its place: the Axiom Helmet. This new helmet, Riddell’s...
Since she was a young girl, Assistant Head of Upper Campus Haley Hemm found solace and wonder in the natural beauty of the world around her, forging a profound connection that would stay with her...