Thrilling games, shocking upsets, and action-packed competition, all in a span of two weeks. From big games all across the country to our little gym in Los Altos Hills, March Madness is coming to Pinewood.
From March 18-28, senior Jamie Burton and ASB will host a three-on-three half court basketball tournament. This co-ed tournament will consist of 12 teams, three from each grade, that will compete in single-elimination games.
Burton has had this idea for a long time and has been striving to make it a reality.
“It’s been something that I’ve wanted to start for a couple of years now,” Burton said. “This is my last chance to do it, so I definitely want to start it.”
One team from each grade will get a first round bye, and the eight other teams will compete in first round games on March 18 and 20. The official games will take place in the third week of March and the championship will be on the 28th.
Although this is a newly introduced event, there has been something similar in years past: Pinewood Ones, a one-on-one competition that celebrates the competitive nature of the students here on campus. Inspired by this past event, Burton aims to foster the same action and excitement, but wants to make it more long lasting and something that can be continued in the future.
“Hopefully, I can carry the torch from what they started and build something that can be bigger and substantial,” Burton said.
As much as his role as activities chair on ASB plays a large role in starting this competition, Burton was largely inspired by his passion for March Madness.
“March Madness is one of my favorite times of the year because it’s just so much concentrated action in those two weeks, and so many fun games to watch,” Burton said. “I want to translate that excitement into the school setting, create something that creates that same excitement within the school that people can look forward to every day.”
Not only will there be spirit points as a reward, but there will also be a small trophy to commemorate the winners. Burton hopes that this reward can drive people to join the competition and boost enthusiasm, unity, and community around the school.
“These past couple years, we’ve been working to up the spirit around campus,” Burton said. “And this, I think, would be another thing that could get people really excited to go for spirit points and to compete for their grade.”
Enjoying watching the tournament isn’t limited to just basketball enthusiasts—the joy in the gym, the electric roar of the crowd, and the camaraderie is ultimately what draws people in. Burton encourages everyone in the Pinewood community to come out to play and support the teams.
“If you’re thinking about joining, join, because you’ve got nothing to lose,” Burton said. “So just come out and join a team, and try to win it all. Because that’s what Pinewood is all about.”