Changes are underway as high school computer science teacher Maulshree Goyal is settling in at Pinewood.
She teaches Fundamentals of Computer Science, Advanced Computer Science, and AP Computer Science, and appreciates the attention given to practical knowledge in the computer science curriculum at Pinewood.
“I like the computer science program we have here, which is not just…trying to [teach] the APs, but more what you need to know and what will help you when you go into the industry,” Goyal said.
Not only does Goyal plan on furthering the practical knowledge Pinewood’s curriculum offers, she hopes to utilize different tools in the classroom, such as artificial intelligence (AI). Rather than replacing computer science jobs, Goyal believes that AI will be utilized as a beneficial tool, and that learning to use it effectively is an important skill.
“[AI] can get to more complex and advanced problems that need to be solved faster,” Goyal said.
When introduced to more logical and analytical aspects of computer science, Goyal finds that some students face new challenges.
For students struggling with these problems, she encourages them to figure out how to resolve the problem first, and then translate those ideas into code.
“Try to solve it as you would in real life without the program [and] without the code, and then try to write the code according to the steps you took to solve that problem,” Goyal said.
She is also looking for new opportunities to implement group projects in the curriculum.
“[Group work is] how we work in the industry,” Goyal said. “You do the design and after approval, all individuals and sub teams work on their respective components.”
Goyal’s enthusiasm for computer science, which was her favorite subject in middle school.
“I just found it much more interesting than anything else,” Goyal said.
Goyal enjoys the blend of logic and innovation that is present in computer science, and is excited to share her interest with students.
“The main reason why I like computers and programming is because it is all about logical thinking, but you can still do it with a lot of creativity,” Goyal said.